Christmas presents

Day 2 Of 12 Days Of Giveaways!!

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Who’s ready for another day of GIVEAWAYS!? Please don’t mistake that by thinking I’m giving anything away.

Before I let the videos do the talking, I wanted to talk about how nice those fake present boxes are. I really want to put giant bows on my presents this year but I’m pretty sure I know how it’s going to go down. I’m going to spend an hour or two at Michael’s picking out ribbon, then I’m going to go home and eat something before I start. I’ll turn Netflix on and begin practicing my bows. The first one will look pretty decent so I’ll be over confident about the rest. I’ll continue to make them only to find out that they are getting worse and worse. And right before I give up I’m going to get mad enough to throw all the ribbon to the corner of the room along with a present or two. But who knows, maybe this time it won’t happen 🙂 Well, Enjoy!